Welcome to Eniobani-The Hope Anchors, Inc.

How often do you appreciate the resources you enjoy today? Not all communities can access the necessities and utilities that make living worth the experience. Hence, we hope to instill hope in the hearts of people from less-fortunate communities by offering outreach programs that better their quality of living. Our non-profit organization strives to use donations, sponsorships, and volunteer work to bring change and empowerment to our beneficiaries.

children lining up for a health checkup

We Are Committed Our Mission Statement

We intend to provide help, support, welfare, and various community services and outreach through our non-profit organization. Our primary purpose is to uplift people from disadvantaged communities and help them live the fulfilling life they deserve. We’ll always be proactive in initiating actions that bring betterment to the communities we serve.

About Us

What We Do Programs We Offer

Placing our advocacy at the center of our actions, we develop and facilitate the following programs:

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Welfare and Community Outreach

volunteers giving food to the children

Ongoing Support for DisadvantagedPopulations.

african children eating while sitting on the ground

Mentorship Programs for Young Adults

man standing near the blackboard teaching children outdoors

Elder Care Services

caregiver giving water to her senior patient

Assistance for the Homeless

man handing a box of canned goods to a woman

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We appreciate your message, so please don’t hesitate to send us one whenever you need us to clarify something.