Where Ordinary Actions Bring Exceptional Change

About Us

At our organization’s core, Eniobani-The Hope Anchors, Inc. gathers individuals sharing the same passion for uplifting others to develop programs that better the lives of those from deprived communities.

As a charity organization, we accept monetary donations, financial sponsorships, and voluntary work to further our advocacy. We address several issues plaguing underprivileged communities. These problems include homelessness, inaccessible healthcare services, and other issues that affect the youth and older population.

With our steadfast support, we strive to become the people’s anchor of hope as we steadily better their living conditions with our outreach programs. Consider joining us today! You can express your support for our cause in many ways.

little girl getting a medicine from the volunteer
woman volunteer handing food to homeless people

Our Focus

To bring hope to individuals and families in our community by assisting to enable them to navigate their moments of distress and challenges.

We seek to offer assistance and support to improve the quality of life for individuals and families by providing community services and social welfare programs to enable them to meet life’s challenges as we promote social and family responsibilities.

Our Core Values

Empathy: We will always strive to understand and empathize with other people’s feelings.

Respect: We believe everyone deserves respect, no matter their condition or circumstance, and we endeavor to uphold this as we deal with everyone.

Accountability: Our transparency demonstrates our sense of responsibility to our partners and all stakeholders.

Excellence: Our passion is to offer and be the best at all we do. We are committed to continuous improvement and hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity, knowledge, and skills.

volunteers serving food to the homeless people
Our Mission Statement

We intend to provide help, support, welfare, and various community services and outreach through our non-profit organization. Our primary purpose is to uplift people from disadvantaged communities and help them live the fulfilling life they deserve. We’ll always be proactive in initiating actions that bring betterment to the communities we serve.

Our Vision Statement

The objective is to help and support the troubled and underprivileged through a robust charitable program such as healthcare advocacy outreach for people facing healthcare disparities (to improve the level of care people receive and help eliminate existing disparities) and other advocacy-driven programs.